The Yoghourt Choir

300 et Bio

300 farmers + one iconic song + a French idiom = the first yoghourt choir

If you’re French and try to sing in English without knowing the lyrics, you call it singing in yoghourt. That was the perfect opportunity to promote 300 et Bio! And all of that featuring the real farmers and cows!
More than 8 million views later, this song still lives rent-free in my head…

How this campaign came to life:

  • We transformed a quirky French idiom into a joyous cultural phenomenon, creating an unforgettable campaign celebrating 300 et Bio with humour, heart, and a choir unlike any other.

  • This campaign brought the spirit of 300 et Bio to life with authenticity and charm, putting the 300 farmers and their cows in the spotlight.

  • With over 8 million views, this campaign turned a bold idea into a cultural phenomenon.